SHIELD: Series Hybrid Intelligent Electric Drive
Lead Organisation: E-Drive Engineering The Series Hybrid Intelligent Electric Drive (SHIELD) project was looking to develop…

Sustainable, Low-Emission Tyres for Improved Air Quality
Lead Organisation: Enso Tyres [https://www.ensotyres.com/] The project was looking to develop an innovative range of tyres…

ANTICIPATE: Actively anticipating the unintended consequences on air quality of future public policies
UK public policies can have significant environmental, economic, social and political consequences over both near and distant timescales, but the full range of impacts are not always thoroughly considered at the appraisal stage…

QUANT: Quantification of Utility of Atmospheric Network Technologies
Low-cost air pollution sensors could play a vital role in improving air quality, but a deeper understanding of their performance is required to realise their full potential. This project will directly address this challenge …

DREaM: Component-Specific Air pollutant Drivers of Disease Risk in Early to Midlife: a pathway approach
High pollutant concentrations are linked to a range of long-term adverse health effects, and it is thought that as well as aggravating symptoms, air pollution may contribute to the development of disease. DREaM will identify the ways…

APEx: An Air Pollution Exposure model to integrate protection of vulnerable groups into the UK Clean Air Programme
Current methods for assessing the impact of clean air policies are entirely based on outdoor air quality, without considering human behaviours or susceptibility. This study will place people at the centre of the problem…

OSCA: Integrated Research Observation System for Clean Air
Changes to transport systems, energy supplies, solvent use, methods for heating homes and agricultural systems are likely to cause profound changes in the emissions of air pollutants in the near future. The OSCA project will provide…

National Physical Laboratory
The National Physical Laboratory (NPL) is one of the Public Sector Research Establishment (PSRE) partners in…

Data integration model for exposure modelling (DIMEX-UK)
This project will develop a framework in which data on concentrations of air pollution can be combined with human activity and health data. The aim of the project is to develop a modelling framework…

MAQS-Health (Multi-Model Air Quality System for Health Research)
This project has been awarded in response to the call for ‘Urban Outdoor Air Quality Modelling’ to provide a high-resolution prediction capability to support personal exposure for health impacts…