2025 Northern Air Quality Conference – new speakers announced. Early bird tickets ending soon!
Jon Burke MIEMA CEnv
A previous Cabinet Member for Energy, Sustainability, Transport and Public Realm, and now Gloucester City Council Climate Change and Decarbonisation Lead Officer for climate change adaptation, Jon also holds advisory roles with Climate Emergency UK and Create Streets.
Katie Williams
Katie Williams is the Delivery Manager for the Air Quality and Aerosol Metrology Group at the National Physical Laboratory. Katie has 7 years’ experience working with air quality networks and is currently responsible for managing two large Air Quality network contracts for Defra and the Environment Agency – the UK Heavy Metals Network and the UK Particle Counting and Numbers & Black Carbon Network.
Liz Godfrey, Mums for Lungs
Liz is the Greater Manchester Coordinator for Mums for Lungs – a grassroots network of volunteers that campaign to raise awareness of the impact that air pollution is having on children’s health. Prior to this role, Liz spent 12 years as a Primary School Teacher, then worked at Global Action Plan undertaking youth engagement projects across the city. She works alongside local partners, schools, community organisations and has established an active volunteer group. She is passionate about prioritising children’s health no matter where they live.
Professor Greg Marsden PhD. Meng, FCIHT, FHEA
Greg is Professor of Transport Governance at the Institute for Transport Studies at the University of Leeds.
He has researched issues surrounding the design and implementation of new policies for over 20 years. He is an expert in climate and energy policy in the transport sector and the governance of smart mobility. He leads the Place theme in the national Energy Demand Research Centre and is Director of the INFUZE project which is exploring post car-ownership futures.
The conference will be held on the 25th March 2025, at Bridgewater Hall, Manchester. For exhibition, sponsorship and marketing opportunities, contact Andy Lees a.lees@spacehouse.co.uk